Immune System
C60 is a powerful anti inflammatory, as well as a anti oxidant. C60 can also help strengthen the immune system, be used as therapy for auto immune diseases as well as allergies. It has also shown to be effective against certain virus’s and bacteria.

Allergies and Auto Immune
How can C60 help with your allergies? Well in a study conducted on fullerene effectiveness against inhibiting mast cells and basophils immune response, it was shown as effective. C60 was seen to be slowing the allergic response from both mast cells and basophils by penetrating the cells themselves and significantly lower oxygen free radical levels. The free radical levels in these cells could be linked to overactive immune response as well as their role in autoimmune diseases.
In Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) C60 was observed to effective at reducing inflammation in the tissue of the joint and slowing the damage cycle the immune system places on the joint as well as slow the process bone fusing.
In the past C60 was considered to have high anti viral capability. This was very intriguing when considering the advantages it could have to combat HIV because of its ability to penetrate deeper than other compounds. In recent study C60 was shown to strongly slow the growth of HIV and could be a viable therapeutic treatment for the virus itself. There have also been studies conducted on C60 capability to combat other virus’s such as influenza and various flu’s. C60 is unique because it can be used with or alongside other treatments to make them more effective at getting to the heart of the problem.
C60 was observed to be able to fight off certain bacteria including ones responsible for acne and other skin/fungal infections. C60 itself is not anti microbial but by products of its reaction in the body are.These products known as fullerenols are able to slow the cell growth of bacteria significantly rather then out right kill them which is what most antibiotics do.
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