C60 within a league of its own
C60 has a natural attraction free radicals in the Brain.
Has ability to by-pass cellular membranes, including the blood-brain-barrier

Brain Related Stress and Cause
Alzheimer, Parkison’s, MS ,ALS, OCD, ADHD, Austim, Migraine, Insomia, Depression, Dementia, Bi-Polar Disorder.
C60 Reverse Oxidative Stress !
This is where buckyballs may be able to support brain health and help make you smarter! Preliminary test-tube evidence suggests that C60 may do so by possibly promoting less neurons to die off and helping to maintain strong, healthy neuronal growth!
Chemicals, Junk Food, Excitotoxins promte neuron death
detract from our brain power over time. excitotoxins such as MSG, aspartame and glutamate are known to promote neuron death.
C60 is promising as they may help to ward off any possible negitive effects of eating junk food
Death of too many neurons tends shorter memory span
fact that neurons die and get created everyday in a healthy individual too many neurons tends to promote a shorter memory span, difficulty with concentrating, and has a negative effect on brain health in general.
buckyballs support brain health and help make you smarter!
I used to deal with crippling insomnia but have long since resolved it. I now take c60 and hydrogen water at bed time and have no problem falling asleep. In the past decade or so I’ve had very low dream vividness and weak recall. Since I started taking c60 and hydrogen water at night my dream quality has vastly improved!!
I found that I experienced a significant detoxing effect initially, that showed up for me in my digestive tract, mostly. My body was definitely trying to clean itself out. That has since resolved, and I believe I’m seeing overall improvement with my gut and mental clarity. Definitely grateful to be able to use C60.
Definitely an uptick in mental acuity, insulin sensitivity is way higher then usual. Example:
I shoukd have taken 31 units of insulin for a snack and to bring my number back to baseline. I took 12units and it returned to perfect
PURchase C60 Here
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